18 February 2011

The Warm Weather

We have been having unseasonably warm weather here the past few days. Yesterday it got up to 10 degrees C! And Henry and I went on 3 walks! It felt good to just leave the house in a mess and take off while the weather was good, like we were living life to the fullest, seizing the day. It looks like today is going to be nice again so I`m sure we will be going on some more walks.

After one of the walks I thought Henry might enjoy walking outside. Of course he wasn`t interested in walking at all because the ground was so interesting he just had to touch it. So he sat and touched the driveway and the ice and snow a bit. Didn`t like the cold of the ice but thought the driveway was qutie interesting. And then he crawled around the driveway. You could see him doing it quite carefully because I`m sure it didn`t feel very nice on his knees. And then we went inside and he changed into some nice dry clothes.

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